Food Links I Love


  1. What’s not to like about these cheesy cauliflower pizza bites?
  2. I may not eat cupcakes, but I sure don’t mind looking at them.
  3. I like the idea of a vegetarian burrito bowl, minus a few components. *coughcilantroandpepperscough*
  4. Very insightful article that tackles the issue of food waste.
  5. The food engineering that goes into Nacho Cheese Doritos is simultaneously fascinating and off-putting.
  6. Salted caramel, salted chococolate chip cookies… the scientific explanation of what makes the sugar and salt combination so tantalising.
  7. I like coffee but can’t keep the sheer multitude of concoctions straight. Maybe this coffee 101 will be helpful for people like me?
  8. A quick guide to brining. Seems simple and useful.
  9. Smashed potatoes sound awesome.

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